Caciocavallo cheese aged 2 months, weight 2,4 kg.


Caciocavallo, the king of stretch-curd cheeses, is produced with
whole milk from local bovines fed in extensive natural pastures.
The crust is thin and hard, of a colour ranging from straw yellow
to hazel, and has mould on it if long seasoned. 

The curd is compact, of a straw yellow, distributed in an irregular
way and presenting sparse eyes. The smell is intense, the taste is
sweet and doughy when this cheese is not too aged, while it gets
more and more rich and spicy with time.

In order to obtain the best fragrance, the caciocavallo cheeses are
bound together in twos and hung “a cavallo”, i.e. straddling, upon
a horizontal stick or branch in cool ventilated spaces or cellars,
where the maturation lasts for at least a minimum of two months.

A longer maturation (up to a year) gives the caciocavallo a typical
sapidity and a rich taste that are much appreciated.

It is produced in sizing ranging from 1.5 kg to 10 kg.



Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg


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